Rosalind Krauss, Under Blue Cup
Hal Foster, Design and Crime
Dick Higgins. Intermedia
Hubert Damisch Skyline. La ville narcisse
Michel Chion Guide des objets sonores
Harry Partch Genesis of a music
Pierre Scheffer De la musique concrète à la musique même
Katy Deepwell (ed.) Feminist Art Manifestos: An Anthology
John Dewey L'art comme expérience
Matthew Fuller How To Be a Geek: Essays on the Culture of Software
Lisa Gitelman Always Already New. Media, History and the Data of Culture
Mary Ann Doane The Emergence of cinematic time. Modernity, contingency, the archive
Franz Fanon Écrits sur l'aliénation et la liberté
Lev Manovich The Language of new media
Craig Dworkin No medium
Clément Greenberg, Art and Culture: Critical Essays
Gilbert Simondon Du mode d'existance des objets techniques
José Luis Brea La era postmedia. Acción comunicativa, prácticas (post)artísticas y dispositivos neomediales
Friedrich A. Kittler Gramophone, Film, Typewriter
Silvia Federici Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle
Mark B. N. Hansen New Philosophy for New Media
Theodor W. Adorno Teoria estética
Black Mountain College : Art, démocratie, utopie
John R. Blakinger Un Camouflage New Bauhaus : György Kepes et la militarisation de l’image
Craig Dworkin, Kenneth Goldsmith (eds.) Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing
Ernst Cassirer Form and Technology
William R. Catton, Jr. Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change
Mary Douglas Purity and Danger
Achille Mbembe Critique de la raison nègre
Naomi Klein The Shock Doctrine
Luc Boltanski Enrichissement. Une critique de la marchandise
Nathalie Quintaine et Jean-Pierre Cometti L'art et l'argent
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